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Nature's Supreme:
by Herbruck's Poultry

Role — Art Direction, Logo + Branding

Client — Herbruck's Poultry Ranch, Inc.

Agency — Freelance

Year — 2023


As one of the leading cage-free egg producers in the country, Herbruck's earns an industry-wide reputation for the highest standards of care. They approached me to create several package design concepts for a new kind of product to hit local and national shelves. As a huge fan of eggs AND design, I was thrilled (Maybe even, egg-static).


Nature's Supreme is a a fertilizer that sustainably converts chicken litter into all-purpose, organic nutrients for indoor and outdoor plants. 



See the final product here



All work is owned by Herbruck's Poultry Ranch, Inc.

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 5.34.08 PM.png

We explored a few initial directions:

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 4.14.06 PM.png
Final Mockup Update1 FRONT.png

But one was immediately clear.


So, we perfected it:

Final Mockup Update1 BACK.png

The final result elevated not just a new product, but a new and evolved brand.

Harmless to chickens, odorless to humans, and flawless for plants.

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 9.17.09 PM.png

Brand assets

Brochure design

Nature's Supreme_Option 2_Diecut_Mockup2.png

Print ad

(featuring old product design)

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